How to Become a Riot Dev? – Tips for Getting Hired at Riot Games

Dreaming of turning your passion for gaming into a career at Riot Games?

Landing a job at Riot Games is a combination of skills, experience, and cultural fit. A strong portfolio showcasing your game development expertise, a deep understanding of Riot’s games and values, and networking with current Rioters can significantly improve your chances.

But it’s not just about the tech—it’s about the teamwork, the passion, and the drive to create unforgettable gaming experiences. Curious to learn more? Then let’s dive into the details…

What Does a Riot Dev Do?

As a Riot Dev, you’ll collaborate with a talented team to develop and maintain the cutting-edge technology behind Riot’s groundbreaking games and services.

You’ll work on game engines, tools, infrastructure, and more to create immersive player experiences. Riot Devs handle everything from gameplay systems to server architecture.

It’s a challenging role that requires strong coding skills, creativity, and a passion for gaming.

The Riot Games Hiring Process

If you’re excited by the prospect of working on cutting-edge games as a Riot Dev, you’ll need to traverse Riot Games’ rigorous hiring process. Here’s an overview of the typical steps:

1Online application1-2 weeks
2Phone screen with recruiter30-60 minutes
3Technical interview(s)1-2 hours each
4Onsite interviewsFull day
5Offer extended1-2 weeks after onsite

The process usually starts with submitting an online application, followed by a phone screen with a recruiter to assess your background and fit. If successful, you’ll progress to one or more technical interviews to evaluate your skills.

The final stage is onsite interviews covering technical aptitude, problem-solving, and cultural alignment. Offers are typically extended 1-2 weeks after the onsite visit for selected candidates.

Riot Games Internship Opportunities

Want to get your foot in the door at Riot Games? Consider applying for one of their internship programs.

They offer opportunities in various departments, including engineering, design, and production. These paid internships typically last 12 weeks and provide valuable hands-on experience working on real projects.

To apply, you’ll need to submit your resume, portfolio, and a cover letter.

Building an Impressive Portfolio/Resume

To stand out from other applicants and enhance your chances of landing an internship or job at Riot Games, you’ll need an impressive portfolio and resume that showcase your skills and experience.

Highlight your best projects, technical abilities, and relevant work history. Include a concise summary of your qualifications.

Programming LanguagesGame EnginesSoft Skills

What Riot Games Looks for in Candidates

When applying to Riot Games, you’ll need to demonstrate a mix of technical expertise, passion for gaming, and alignment with their core values.

They seek candidates who are collaborative, creative problem-solvers dedicated to player experience.

Showcase your relevant skills, knowledge of Riot’s games and culture, and examples of how you’ve contributed to projects embodying similar values.

Riot wants team players who’ll help deliver exceptional gaming experiences.

Networking and Getting Noticed by Riot Games

Reach out to Riot Games employees and other gaming industry professionals to make valuable connections and get your name on their radar.

Attend gaming conferences and events to meet people in person.

Engage with Rioters on social media and online forums.

Ask for informational interviews to learn more about working at Riot.

Building relationships can help open doors when applying for positions.