Do You Get So Angry at Small Things? Here’s How to Stop

Everyone, at some point in their life, will have been flabbergasted by the intensity of their anger over something seemingly insignificant. While anger is a normal and healthy emotion that helps us to defend ourselves when we are being physically, emotionally or mentally threatened, getting extremely angry over minor inconveniences—like traffic, spilled coffee, or a slow computer—can be detrimental to our mental and physical health. Above all, it becomes vitally important to maintain a balanced emotional state for overall well-being. Do you get so angry at small things? Our guide offers practical tips for cultivating patience and calmness.

What Causes Anger

Anger can be described as an intense emotional response to a perceived provocation or injustice. But why do small things make you so angry that your reaction could be disproportionate to the situation at hand? The reasons behind this may vary from person to person, and could be traced back to various instances.

Past traumatic experiences: If you’ve lived through traumatic experiences, you might have more intense reactions to seemingly small things because they are reminders, or triggers, of past trauma.

Stress and anxiety: When you are dealing with chronic stress or anxiety, your capacity to tolerate frustrations or inconveniences may be low. Even minor irritants can tip you over the edge due to your already heightened state of tension.

Characteristic traits and personality: Certain personality types or traits can make you quick to anger. If you have a low tolerance for frustration or if you struggle with impulse control, you may find yourself boiling over at the smallest triggers.

Do You Get So Angry at Small Things? Here's How to Stop

Consequences of Excessive Anger

Frequently giving in to intense anger can have various ramifications, all of which impact your overall health and quality of life.

Impact on mental health: Constant anger can lead to an increased risk of mental health disorders. It can develop into depression as an individual struggles with the impacts of their anger on their life and relationships. Anger is also strongly associated with anxiety. The constant state of hyper-arousal that anger induces can lead to feelings of worry and unease.

Impact on physical health: Prolonged periods of anger increase stress hormones in the body, leading to potential physical health problems like heart disease and high blood pressure.

Impact on personal relationships: If not dealt with appropriately, anger can isolate you from your loved ones, causing strains in relationships or even leading to their breakdown.

Impact on professional life: Anger can seriously affect your professional life, causing issues with co-workers and even leading to job loss if you continually react inappropriately.

Identifying Triggers

Recognizing what sets your fuse alight is crucial in managing your anger. Self-reflection and understanding your feelings before they spiral out of control can help you become aware of the early signs of your anger.

Techniques for identifying triggers: To keep a tangible record of your anger, try keeping an anger journal, documenting instances when you felt your anger escalating and noting down potential triggers. Self-reflection, mindfulness and self-awareness are all powerful tools in resolving this issue.

Techniques to Control Anger

Many different anger coping strategies can lessen the strength or frequency of your wrath. Techniques include mindfulness and meditation, breathing exercises and physical exercise.

Mindfulness and meditation: Mindfulness invites you to be fully present in your life in a non-judgmental way, helping you to manage your anger by becoming conscious of it the moment it arises. Meditation can create a calm and focused mind, making it easier to manage anger effectively.

Breathing exercises: Oxygen is a natural relaxant, so deep breathing is a simple but effective method to quickly calm your mind and body when anger begins to surface. Common breathing exercises include box breathing and 4-7-8 breathing.

Physical exercise: Engaging in physical activities regularly helps increase your tolerance to stress, which in turn reduces the likelihood of you becoming angry at trivial things. Exercises like walking, jogging, yoga, or practicing tai chi can significantly help in channeling your anger more productively.

Seeking Professional Help

Navigating life’s challenges can sometimes become overwhelming, despite your strongest efforts at self-help and personal management. When you find that the strategies and support systems you rely on are not enough, it may be a signal that seeking professional help is the next step. Professional assistance for mental health concerns is available in many forms and from various types of healthcare providers.

The kind of help you seek can come from a range of mental health professionals. Mental health counselors are trained to provide guidance and coping strategies for a variety of issues. Psychologists have expertise in human behavior and psychological health and can offer therapy and diagnostic assessments. Psychiatrists, who are medical doctors, can provide a full range of psychological services, which can include the prescription of medication, in addition to therapy.

The process of therapy may take numerous forms, tailored to what is most beneficial for your situation. One of the main forms is one-on-one counseling. In this personalized setting, you’ll work closely with your therapist to uncover the roots of your challenges. Here, in a safe and confidential environment, you will explore personal issues in-depth and learn a variety of coping techniques tailored specifically to you.

Alternatively, you might find solace and insight in group therapy sessions. These sessions provide a community of individuals facing similar struggles. Group therapy allows you to not only receive the guidance of the professional leading the session but also to gain diverse perspectives from other group members. It can be a source of comfort and a reminder that you are not alone in your experiences.


Getting intensely angry at small things can be a red flag, indicating that your anger is out of balance and that it’s probably time for some intervention either from yourself or from a professional if self-help strategies aren’t sufficient. Understanding your triggers, controlling your reactions, and practicing healthy habits can put you back in the driver’s seat of your emotions. More importantly, it’s necessary to remember that anger is a normal emotion that we all experience—it’s how we manage it that counts.