The common stereotype for programmers is this: nerdy, pocket-protector wielding, and very, very boring. One doesn’t typically link a programmer ...

Firefox is my weapon of choice when it comes to browsing the web. It’s fast, free, and gives the user the ...

Well… I don’t know about you, but this Christmas was incredible. Mirth and merriment were in full supply, and my ...

It’s Christmas day and you’ve just unwrapped your shiny new piece of Apple goodness from your new favorite family member. ...

I don’t think I have to tell this blog’s readers how hard it can be to stay on task when ...

Here are some great links to check out in your free time this weekend. I found all of these over ...

Think Think is a cool little app for OS X that tries to eliminate visual distractions from your computer screen while ...

Yes, many productivity experts use Macs and OmniFocus for their GTD workflows. But you don’t have to change computer platforms ...

There’s a new extension in town for Firefox: FaviconizeTab. This handy little extension will let you shrink a tab that you’ve ...

Shortcuts are soo nice for saving time. Although you’re only saving a couple of seconds or clicks per use, little ...