There’s a great new website out there for us creative types who struggle with actually ...

MSNBC has an interesting article titled “Meetings make us dumber, study shows“. Here’s the point ...

Oh man, this post could be 8 miles long. I’ve already written a couple posts over the dangers ...

Think Think is a cool little app for OS X that tries to eliminate visual distractions ...

Clarity. Focus. Simple. Few. These are words that should describe your goal setting in 2007. ... has linked to an ancient post (by blogging standards- over 1 year!) that shows a study ...

The advances in technology over the past 20 years have been phenomenal. Shoot, even the ...

I might as well just come out and say it. I really enjoy reading and ...

Many people see productivity nirvana as working dilligently for 10 hours straight on our to-do ...

The third part of this Avoiding Entrepreneur Burnout series deals with resting. Yay! The funny ...