appreciation definition
Photo: The Blue Diamond Gallery

I Just Wanna Be Appreciated: Top 5 Ways To Feel Much Better

Feeling appreciated is a fundamental human need. From our personal relationships to professional environments, the need to be recognized and valued for our contributions is integral to our sense of self and well-being. This desire for appreciation stems from the very fabric of our social nature.

However, there are times when we feel unappreciated or overlooked, leading to a multitude of negative emotions and implications. This guide aims to delve deeper into our inherent desire for appreciation, the impacts of not receiving it, and strategies to cope in an environment where appreciation seems to be lacking.

Understanding the Desire for Appreciation

Appreciation, at its core, is a recognition and acknowledgement of the value or significance of someone or something. It serves as a vital form of human interaction that affirms our worth and contributions. Here’s why we crave it:

  1. Validation of Efforts: When our efforts are appreciated, it’s a signal that our work matters. It shows that our contributions are noticed and have made an impact. This acknowledgement serves as a validation, providing a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
  2. Boosts Self-esteem and Confidence: Feeling appreciated can significantly uplift our self-esteem and confidence. It solidifies our belief in our own abilities and potential, creating a positive feedback loop that motivates us to maintain or even improve our performance.
  3. Enhances Happiness and Satisfaction: Numerous studies have linked the experience of feeling appreciated to increased happiness and life satisfaction. It induces positive emotions and serves as a critical component of our overall well-being.
  4. Strengthens Relationships: Appreciation plays a vital role in nurturing relationships, be it personal or professional. It creates a sense of mutual respect and value, fostering a deeper connection between individuals and contributing to a healthy relationship dynamic.
i just wanna be appreciated
Photo: Pxfuel

Consequences of Not Receiving Appreciation

A lack of appreciation can leave us feeling disheartened and demotivated. It can have detrimental effects on our emotional and psychological health:

  1. Low Morale and Motivation: Without acknowledgement or appreciation, people may start feeling that their efforts are in vain, leading to a drop in morale and motivation.
  2. Decreased Productivity: The motivation to excel often stems from the anticipation of appreciation. In its absence, the drive to perform optimally can wane, resulting in decreased productivity.
  3. Deteriorated Relationships: Lack of appreciation in relationships can lead to feelings of being taken for granted. It breeds dissatisfaction and resentment, which can strain relationships and sometimes even lead to their dissolution.
  4. Lower Self-esteem: Over time, a lack of appreciation can erode one’s self-esteem. It can plant seeds of self-doubt and cause individuals to question their worth and abilities.

Coping in an Environment Lacking Appreciation

Dealing with a lack of appreciation can be challenging, especially when it’s consistent and pervasive in an environment where you spend a significant amount of time—like work or home. However, there are strategies that you can employ to mitigate the effects of feeling unappreciated, fostering resilience, and maintaining your self-esteem.

1. Self-appreciation

One of the most powerful strategies is self-appreciation, the practice of recognizing and valuing your own efforts, achievements, and worth. Start by regularly acknowledging the hard work you put into tasks, the accomplishments you achieve, and the qualities that make you unique. Write them down, say them out loud, or simply reflect on them in quiet moments.

Cultivating self-appreciation boosts your self-esteem and resilience. It helps you remain steadfast in your self-worth, even when external validation is scarce. In addition, it fosters self-love and helps you maintain a positive self-image, irrespective of the appreciation or lack thereof from others.

2. Open Communication

Often, people aren’t aware that you feel unappreciated. Therefore, it’s important to communicate your feelings and needs clearly, respectfully, and assertively. Let them know what kind of recognition or acknowledgement would make you feel valued. While it might seem uncomfortable initially, expressing your need for appreciation can foster better understanding and enhance interpersonal relationships. Remember, it’s not about demanding praise but about letting others know how their recognition or lack of it affects you.

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Photo: Pixabay

3. Lean on Your Support Network

Having a strong support network is crucial when navigating environments where appreciation is lacking. Trusted friends, family members, or mentors can provide a listening ear, emotional support, understanding, and validation. They can help you see your worth and reaffirm your value when you start to doubt it.

Sharing your feelings and experiences with them can also offer relief from the emotional burden that comes with feeling unappreciated. Moreover, they can provide alternative perspectives and potentially offer solutions that you might not have considered.

4. Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is essential to prevent overextending yourself in a bid for appreciation. When you continuously overcommit or overwork yourself, you risk burnout and further feelings of being taken for granted. It’s crucial to recognize that appreciation doesn’t solely come from doing more. It’s about being acknowledged for what you already contribute. Setting boundaries ensures you balance your efforts with your well-being, signaling to others that your work and time have value, and they cannot be taken advantage of.

5. Seek Professional Help

Persistent feelings of being unappreciated can sometimes lead to more serious mental health issues such as chronic stress, anxiety, and depression. In such cases, it’s crucial to seek professional help. Therapists, counselors, or coaches can provide you with a safe space to express your feelings, and offer strategies to cope with these emotions, manage stress, and build a healthier self-image. Remember, there’s no shame in seeking help. It’s a step towards ensuring your mental well-being and resilience in the face of challenging circumstances.

I Just Wanna Be Appreciated: Conclusion

Our desire to be appreciated is deeply intertwined with our need for validation, self-esteem, and healthy relationships. Yet, living in a world where appreciation is often in short supply, we need to equip ourselves with strategies to cope. Remember to appreciate yourself, communicate your needs assertively, lean on your support network, and seek professional help when needed. Regardless of the external recognition we receive, it’s crucial to acknowledge our own worth and contributions, because they truly matter.