Five Practical Tips For Overcoming Procrastination That You Can’t Put Off Until Later

Procrastination is a common hurdle that many of us face in our daily lives. I can guarantee that everyone who reads this article will, at least once in their life, have postponed work-related tasks, personal projects, or simple chores for no apparent reason. Tending to put things off until later can hinder productivity and become a significant source of stress and anxiety. Fortunately, practical strategies exist to overcome procrastination, enhance efficiency, and reduce stress. This article will explore five such techniques.

Create a Distraction-Free Environment

Creating an environment free of distractions is crucial for procrastinating on work-related tasks or school and college coursework. Putting things off until tomorrow or even later is more prevalent in those working from home because the number of potential distractions is far higher than in an office or classroom setting. Ideally, work in an area of your home without foot traffic, such as a spare bedroom or office. 

Switch off the television, silence your iPhone, turn off notifications, and close any irrelevant internet browser tabs or applications. The last thing you want is to open a tab displaying the latest sports betting odds or breaking local news if you are easily distracted. Each distraction may only take five minutes of your time, but if they distract you 15 times per day, that equates to 1.25 hours per day, and that does not include the time wasted trying to get back into the zone. Fifteen seemingly minor distractions could cost you upwards of three hours daily!

As you can see, even the slightest display of procrastination eats into your time.

Set Clear Goals and Prioritize

A lack of clarity and direction often results in people procrastinating, so setting clear goals and prioritizing those goals makes sense. Start by writing down achievable goals for your day, week, or month. Next, break down larger, more challenging tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. Humans often become overwhelmed when faced with a significant task like writing a 4,000-word dissertation by the end of the month. Setting a smaller goal, such as writing 500 words daily, is not as time-consuming or difficult.

Prioritizing tasks is another crucial aspect of goal setting. Sort your outstanding tasks or jobs according to their urgency or importance. A structured plan provides much-needed direction while making focusing on one task at a time easier.

Use the Pomodoro Technique

Have you heard of the Pomodoro Technique? You are about to, and it could be a game-changer. Francesco Cirillo developed this time management method in the late 1980s, and it has since become a Godsend for millions of people globally. The system is highly effective because it breaks down your work into intervals of 25 minutes before allowing you a short break after each interval. Longer tasks grant you a longer break.

The original Pomodoro Technique has six steps:

  1. Decide on the task you want to complete.
  2. Set a timer for 25 minutes.
  3. Work on the task until the timer’s alarm rings.
  4. Take a short break of between 5-10 minutes.
  5. Return to Step 2 and repeat until you have completed four pomodoros.
  6. Take a more extended break of 20-30 minutes instead of a short break after four pomodoros are done. Return to Step 2 once your longer break finishes.

The only other rule is if you start a Pomodoro session, you must allow the alarm to sound. For example, if you finish a task with ten minutes of your timer remaining, use those ten minutes to review your work, reflect on what you have learned, or plan your following tasks.

The system works for many people because the 25-minute work cycle followed by a brief break to reset helps concentration levels and prevents people from feeling overwhelmed by sizeable tasks.

Visualize the End Result

Procrastination can sometimes stem from a lack of motivation or feeling disconnected from the end goal. Taking a moment to visualize the positive outcomes of completing a task can work wonders. Whether it is the satisfaction of accomplishment, personal growth, professional success, or your end goal positively impacting someone else’s life, connecting with the ultimate result can boost drive and motivation.

Incorporating visualization techniques into your routines helps combat procrastination and cultivates a positive mindset that propels you toward success. 

Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Adopting a growth mindset is a powerful tool for those wanting to conquer procrastination. Try to see challenges as opportunities for growth that require you to learn, adapt, and improve. This will help you stop fearing obstacles and maybe even welcome them.

Some procrastinate because they seek perfection in their work, but perfection is not always possible. Instead, focus your attention on progression rather than perfection. Regardless of how small it seems, every step forward contributes to your development.

Furthermore, stop treating setbacks as failures; consider them feedback. Setbacks allow you to learn from mistakes and adjust your approach for better outcomes in the future.

A more positive mindset, one focusing on personal growth and development, can make even the most laborious, time-intensive tasks feel worthwhile. Combine this new mindset with the other techniques in this article, and you’ll quickly become a productive, efficient superstar!


Procrastination is a common challenge but one that can be defeated relatively easily. Ironically, the best way to conquer procrastination is to tackle it head-on!

Start every task by finding a distraction-free environment to work from. From there, list your goals before breaking them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. Adopting the tried and tested Pomodoro Technique, which involves working in 25-minute bursts followed by a short break, helps you keep focused on the task at hand while rewarding you with regular breaks. Before you know it, you will have worked for a few hours, but it will not feel like that because of the regular downtime the time management method promotes.

Sometimes, all that is required to stave off procrastination is visualization and a positive mindset. Visualizing the positive outcomes of completing a task can drive you forward to finishing what you set out to do. Similarly, looking at each challenge as an opportunity to grow can have the same effect.

Remember that your journey to increased productivity is not completed overnight. Be patient with yourself and celebrate the small victories along the way.